To celebrate the publication of Gayle's latest translated book, we'll be hosting a (FREE) book signing right before her scheduled Knitted Slippers from Michiyo Class at WoolWinders Rockville.
Saturday, March 9th
12pm - 2pm

You don't want to miss out on having your new (or previous) book signed. So stop by the ROCKVILLE shop on Saturday, March 9th (12pm - 2pm) to meet Gayle! Books will be available for purchase.
More about Gayle

Gayle teaches knitting classes around the country with a focus on using Japanese patterns. She loves to introduce knitters to the pleasures of Japanese designs, and her knowledge of the subject is unmatched. She majored in Japanese studies, speaks Japanese, and lived in Japan during and after her college years.
She went on to business school and worked as a management consultant all over the world, including many visits to Japan. She is an avid knitter and has been incorporating Japanese patterns for many years.
With the rise of the internet, anyone anywhere can find a wide range of Japanese books and patterns but many have found the translating difficult. Enter Gayle, who has been able to provide instruction on how to translate these beautiful patterns. Her classes have been VERY popular at events such as Vogue Knitting LIVE, Stitches, Interweave Knitting Lab, Yarnover, Madrona Fiber Arts Retreat, Sock Summit and more. Gayle’s designs have been published in Knitter’s Magazine, Interweave Knits, A Gathering of Lace, and by yarn companies. For several years she translated Japanese patterns for Dancing Fibers (now Sunrise Yarns/Diakeito), and she prepared the Japanese section for the book Knitting Languages. She also sells original work at a local fiber arts gallery.
Come meet Gayle at her book signing!
Register soon for the Knitted Slippers from michiyo before all the seats are gone!