Improve Your Health: KNIT!
Have you ever wondered why you enjoy knitting? Each of us has his or her own personal reasons, "It relaxes me," "I feel creative," "It's my me-time," "It helps me stop eating/smoking/killing my husband." The beauty of knitting is every single human being can benefit both physically and mentally from the simple act of knitting! Attached is a link, thanks to our astute staff members here at Woolwinders, which once again expounds on the benefits of knitting. Our brains, and thereby our bodies, respond to the task on so many different levels simultaneously that it is nature's perfect drug, lol! Simply twisting string around two sticks (or a hook) sets your brain to firing up all sorts of healthy triggers from improving cognitive abilities and working towards protecting against mental aging to meditative effects reducing both physical and emotional stress thereby potentially helping to reduce heart issues, anxiety, and depression. And it doesn't hurt that we get to play with pretty colors and make some fantastic creations in the process, lol! So check out the link below and get knitting friends, it's good for you!