It's time again to gather your nearest and dearest knitting buddies together and make road trip plans! That's right, this year's annual
METRO YARN CRAWL is almost upon us! Visit any of the eleven participating local yarns shops in Maryland/D.C./Virginia
APRIL 5-13, 2014 and receive a
20% DISCOUNT on your purchases of yarns and patterns for 9 glorious days of no-holds-barred yarn shopping! Your ticket to this fun-filled shopping spree is this year's blue 2014
METRO YARN CRAWL TOTE which is available at participating shops for $15 each. Purchase your totes
NOW before they sell out and join us for 9 days of discounts, free featured patterns, and a chance to win a prize drawing for a prize package valued at $100! For specific details please visit us at
WOOLWINDERS for a information sheet handout when you buy your totes or check out the official
2014 METRO YARN CRAWL WEBSITE at http://metroyarncrawl.com! We can't wait to see you at Woolwinders, your neighborhood yarn shop!