Look at what our friend, MARTHA, did! First she knitted this wonderfully beautiful--and self-styled (!), INTARSIA SWEATER based on her buttons! That's right, she loved her pansy buttons so much she designed each flower to be unique to match her buttons! Now THAT'S inspired creativity in action for you! Then she let her inspiration continue and she took ordinary sock yarn and gave it it's lead and ended up with this gorgeous patterned sweater--the yarn did all the work! Amazing! On one sweater she allowed the yarn to do it's own thing and on the other she took control over the colors and design--both stunning! Don't forget--spring and summer knitting is a great time to incoporate intarsia mofits into your projects--especially when knitting for children:) REGISTER TODAY either over the phone at 240-632-9276, in person at the shop, or online for our INTRO. TO INTARSIA CLASS on Saturdays, March 16th and 23rd from 12-2 PM and inspire your knitting, at Woolwinders, your neighborhood yarn shop!