We had a full house this past Saturday for our Art of Seamless Construction class! Knitters aspiring to expand their knitting horizons broadened their design knowledge and learned first-hand fourteen different ways to construct a sweater in the round from the author of
The Art of Seamless Knitting herself, guest instructor SIMONA MERCHANT-DEST! If you missed your chance to take a class with Simona, no worries! She will be teaching a MAKE IT YOURS CLASS on Saturday, NOVEMBER 16th at Woolwinders when she will cover how adapt a pattern to fit your personal size! To register, call 240-632-9276 or register online at www.woolwinders.com today! And check out today's Knitting Daily post online where you may also register for a Webinar with Simona on translating patterns and charts! SIX DAYS UNTIL KNIT NIGHT!