You've all heard the saying, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away," but have you heard, "One square at a time means a gorgeous SHADES OF GREY afghan done by the holidays?" Terry Cammack has been hard at work behind the scenes knitting one stunning and unique square after another for the SHADES OF GREY afghan KAL. Each month she has knitted up one or two beautiful afghan squares and has put the pattern for each on our RAVELRY GROUP PAGE at shop for you. We're half way there and will be displaying the first 6 squares in the shop for you to check out! And NOW is the perfect time for what I call a "lap project"--it fits in my lap while I work on it during the hot summer months! And, we've MANY, MANY color choices available for you to choose from to knit YOUR Shades of Grey afghan, like Terry, in CASCADE 220 SUPERWASH yarn at Woolwinders, your neighborhood yarn shop! photo-152